Writing Rules

International Journal of New Trends in Education and Social Sciences (IJTESS) is a peer-reviewed international journal with specific rules and responsibilities that authors must follow. The titles, contents, findings and interpretations of the articles are the sole responsibility of the authors. Published articles must be academically sound, scientifically valid and truly original, and the responsibility for this lies with the authors. Articles should not exceed 30 pages, excluding visuals such as appendices, and should be prepared in accordance with the format guidelines provided on the journal's website. Articles reviewed by the editorial board are sent to two reputable referees in their fields to decide whether the article should be published if they agree with each other. Articles that have been previously published elsewhere will not be considered and authors will not be paid royalties, as the journal does not pursue commercial purposes.

It is also extremely important that the authors certify that the submitted article does not contain plagiarism and keep the similarity rate below 15%. For articles with more than one author, the first author is considered the lead author unless otherwise stated. The journal is committed to promoting originality, academic integrity and rigorous scientific contributions in the field of educational research.

Writing Rules: The Manuscripts are prepared in Times New Roman, 12 pt, justified and 1.25 line spacing. Spaces between paragraphs should be arranged as 12nk before and 12nk after. In addition, the bibliography should be prepared in APA7 format. Tables in the article should be prepared in 11 pt. Abstract and keywords should be single-spaced and in 11-point font. In addition, for the Turkish article, a extended English abstract of at least 750 words should be included at the end of the article.

Page margins should be arranged as top 3 cm, left 3 cm, right 2.5 cm, bottom 2.5 cm. Main section headings should be centered and subheadings should be left justified. Subheadings and text paragraph indentation should be 1.25 cm.