The Importance of School Administrator and Teacher Attitudes in the Digitalization Process in Education
Digitalization, Digital Technologies in Education, School Administrator, TeacherAbstract
In this study, it is aimed to reveal the importance of digital competencies of school administrators and teachers in terms of education and training processes. In this context, the roles of school administrators and teachers in the digitalization process, their contributions to digitalization, their competencies and their competencies in being a model for students were investigated. The survey model was used in the study and evaluations were made in terms of school administrators and teachers based on the researches in the relevant literature. In the research, evaluations were made in terms of contributing to the digital transformation process in education by increasing the competencies of teachers and school administrators to use digital tools effectively. While digitalization has become one of the basic building blocks of the education system, the correct pedagogical use of digital tools is directly related to teachers' digital competencies. In this context, improving the digital skills of teachers and school administrators is of great importance to increase efficiency and quality in education. The research aims to examine training modules covering topics such as digital literacy, digital pedagogical skills, digital security and data literacy. It aims to support teachers to integrate digital tools into their teaching processes as well as to receive training in areas such as digital security, online ethics and student data protection. In addition, suggestions are made on how digital tools can be used effectively through data analysis and decision support systems. The results of this study aim to provide recommendations for aligning education policies with digital transformation and strengthening the digital leadership skills of teachers and school administrators.
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