Investigation of Teachers' Attitudes Towards the Use of ‎Artificial Intelligence in Education ‎



Artificial Intelligence, Using Artificial Intelligence in Education, Attitude


Technology has become an integral part of life today. Thanks to the technologies developed in this context, artificial intelligence has entered people's living spaces and brought about many changes. Artificial intelligence applications are increasingly being used in the field of education. They can provide many benefits such as providing students with customized learning experiences, enabling teachers to plan and assess lessons more efficiently, tracking student progress, and performing predictive analytics (Ouyang & Jiao, 2021). Therefore, it is important to increase the awareness and skills of teachers and students towards these technologies. In this study, it was aimed to examine teachers' attitudes towards the use of artificial intelligence in education. Quantitative research methods were used in the study. In this context, the survey model, one of the descriptive research models, was used to examine teachers' attitudes towards artificial intelligence. The population of the study was determined as all primary and secondary school teachers working in Kayseri province in the 2023-2024 academic year. The sample of the study consists of 190 voluntary participant teachers determined by using the convenience sampling method within this universe. Demographic information form and General Attitude Towards Artificial Intelligence Scale were used as data collection tools. Quantitative and analysis methods were used to analyze the research data. The data obtained in this context were analyzed using SPSS24 data analysis program, and percentage and frequency distributions were given to determine the social demographic characteristics of the teachers. In addition, independent sample t test and ANOVA test were used to correlate teachers' attitudes towards artificial intelligence with demographic characteristics. As a result of the research, it was determined that teachers' attitudes towards artificial intelligence were at a high level, and in terms of gender, female teachers had higher attitudes towards artificial intelligence than male teachers. In the comparisons made in terms of teachers' ages, it was seen that teachers under the age of 40 had higher attitudes towards artificial intelligence.  In terms of the level of education at which the teachers work, it was seen that the attitudes towards artificial intelligence were higher in teachers at the secondary school level, and according to the educational level, it was seen that teachers with postgraduate education had higher attitudes towards artificial intelligence than those with undergraduate education.


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How to Cite

ACEM, Y., ARSLANTAŞ, K., BİŞİRİCİ, M., & ERDOĞAN, K. (2024). Investigation of Teachers’ Attitudes Towards the Use of ‎Artificial Intelligence in Education ‎. International Journal of New Trends in Education and Social Sciences, 1(2), 12–23. Retrieved from