Investigating the Relationship Between Teachers' ‎Psychological Well-Being and Self-Efficacy Levels



Teacher, Psychological Well-being, Self-efficacy


Self-efficacy refers to an individual's level of confidence in their own abilities, knowledge and skills in a particular task or field. Psychological well-being refers to an individual's overall emotional, mental and social well-being. This concept occupies an important place in the field of positive psychology and includes not only the absence of disease or disorder, but also the presence of positive elements such as richness, meaning and satisfaction in life. Psychological well-being in teachers is an important factor that increases success and satisfaction in educational environments. A teacher's psychological well-being is of great importance both in terms of his/her own health and its impact on students' education. Psychological well-being in teachers is thought to be related to self-efficacy. In this respect, this study aims to examine the relationship between teachers' psychological well-being and self-efficacy levels. Quantitative research methods were used in the study. In this context, relational screening model, one of the holistic research models, was used in line with the purpose of the research. The population of the study consists of teachers working in Kayseri province in the spring semester of the 2023-2024 academic year. The samples of the study consisted of 160 teachers determined by the convenience sampling method from this universe. The demographic information form, psychological well-being scale and self-efficacy scale were used as data collection tools to determine the democratic characteristics of teachers. Quantitative data analysis methods were used to analyze the research data. Research data were analyzed with SPSS 24 program. In the study, it was seen that female teachers had higher levels of psychological well-being and self-efficacy levels than male teachers in terms of gender. In addition, it was concluded that the psychological well-being levels and self-efficacy levels of teachers with 21 or more years of professional seniority were lower than other teachers. In line with the comparisons made in the study, it was concluded that teachers' psychological well-being levels have an increasing effect on their self-efficacy levels.


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How to Cite

Acem, Y., Kuşcu, C., Acem, U., & Başar, M. (2024). Investigating the Relationship Between Teachers’ ‎Psychological Well-Being and Self-Efficacy Levels. International Journal of New Trends in Education and Social Sciences, 1(2), 1–11. Retrieved from

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